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Saving and continuing comparisons



Saving a comparison

When working on a comparison task, particularly when working on large files or folders, you may want to save the comparison's state so that the portions of the file which are in conflict and which are already solved are kept for later rework.

ECMerge automatically saves for you a session when you close a comparison.

Press Ctrl+Shift+S or select the Document / Save / Save Comparison menu to save the comparison.

Comparisons can be saved using two separate types of documents: templates and status.

Feature \ Type of document Template Status
Extension ecmt ecms
Saves comparison type



Saves URLs to sources



Saves loading/saving encodings properties per source



Saves temporary content (modified or pasted)  


Saves conflicts resolution actions X1


Can be used to restart a comparison



Can be used to parameter command lines operations



1: only in folders


Continuing a comparison

The first way is to open the launcher panel, search for the recent or named sessions, and double-click it that session line in the panel.

Press Ctrl+Shift+O or use the Document / Comparison/Merge / Open Comparison menu to continue comparisons.

Document status can be reloaded even if the input files or folders were modified. If the inputs are not modified too much, Ellié Computing Merge will integrate the modifications automatically.

In particular for text comparisons, if it cannot do that, it allows you to output the modifications which could not be reloaded into the clipboard (in an expressive format), allowing you to paste it into editor tab and use that manually resolve again some conflicts and keeping your hand-work safe. In rare cases, it will not be able to detect the changes in files correctly and let you the opportunity to put into the clipboard the full state so that you do not loose any work.

 The document comparison options were also saved. You can change them if you wish using  or F11, this will only affect the current document.

See also