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File Merges



These options let you specify how to merge text files.

Take ignored changes text from (2-way and 3-way)

Many options let you specify texts to ignore (blanks, whole ignored changes). These options let you specify from which original file the texts located inside these changes should be taken. Generally you will want them from 'Left' file which generally corresponds to your own file when integrated to a SCC.

Surround changes / Security distance

These options are combined to select which changes should be considered as conflicts. The changes considered as conflict will block a full automatic merge in folders for example and will force a manual review. The different options are: All, Which strictly overlap and Which are distant from less than (Security distance).
If you combine a small value of Security distance (such as 1 or 2) which is activated when Which are distant from less than option is selected, you will both rarely have simple correct changes highlighted and get changes from different sides near from each other highlighted preventing dangerous automatic merges.

See also