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OptionsSet object



Prototype for OptionsSet objects. Is a kind of ConfigurationObject.


var options_set = new OptionsSet ();
options_set["display.ignored_change_text_bgcolor"] = "#000000"; // put ignored change as black



Property Of


Implemented In

ECMerge 2.1


OptionsSet stores all the options which tell Ellié Computing Merge how to compare sources of data. This is some kind of dictionary associating an object (generally a basic object such as a HTML color string or a boolean, but sometime an entire SourceDescription, URL or even a sub-collection of objects).

Each OptionsSet object contain all the options for any known kind of comparison in Ellié Computing Merge and has therefore a great number of properties.


Properties of options sets with sharing semantic

These properties are available in OptionsSet and also in restricted OptionsSet returned by Application.clone_shared_options ( )

Property Description
file_types UserFileType List. List of file types
filters.loading Filters List. List of filters which may be applied when loading.
filters.saving Filters List. List of filters which may be applied when saving. 


General properties shared by all types of documents

Please note that:

  • all the colours use the HTML notation (i.e., #RRGGBB or #RGB)
Property Description
display.changed_text_bgcolor Text background colour used for changed text
display.conflict_marker.background_color Conflict marker background colour
display.conflict_marker.foreground_color Conflict marker foreground colour 
display.conflict_marker.shape Conflict marker shape (an integer between 0 and 8 included)
display.default_font A font specification
display.deleted_text_bgcolor Text background colour used for deleted text
display.display_line_endings Boolean. True to display line endings
display.display_white_spaces Boolean. True to display white spaces
display.ignored_change_text_bgcolor Text background colour used for ignored changed text
display.inserted_text_bgcolor Text background colour used for inserted text
display.linking_line_color Colour used for linking lines
display.selection_bgcolor Colour used for selection background color (let undefined for default behaviour)
display.selection_fgcolor Colour used for selection foreground color (let undefined for default behaviour)
display.show_ancestor Boolean. True to display the ancestor when in 3-way merge. Ancestor is still taken into account but not displayed
display.show_line_numbers Boolean. True to display line numbers
display.show_margin Boolean. True to display the folding/markers margin
display.unchanged_text_bgcolor Text background colour used for unchanged (i.e. normal) text
display.unchanged_text_fgcolor Text foreground colour used for unchanged text, when no syntax colouring is active
display.user_marker.background_color Background colour used for user marker
display.user_marker.foreground_color Foreground colour used for user marker
display.user_marker.shape User marker shape (an integer between 0 and 8 included)
Boolean. True if you want file reports to be inside the same file as folder's report, False to get separate files


String. Title for the files reports. If empty, a default title is generated based on the files names
String. Title for the folder report. If empty, a default title is generated based on the folders names
Boolean. True, if you want a reduced report as in in Comparison Statistics dialog box.
Document Format string. One of the document formats supported.
Document Subset string. One of  the possible subsets.
Document Access Mode string. One of the possible access modes.
SourceDescription object. Tells where to write the result, only the URL is used. XML and HTML reports are always generated as UTF8 currently
String. Path to the XSL stylesheet on the local file system. For HTML, a pre-defined XSL styleshet is defined.
export.status.location SourceDescription object. Indicates where ECMS or ECMT should be written.
export.unixpatch_export.output_format.context_lines Integer. Number of lines to write around the modified part
export.unixpatch_export.output_format.format Unix Patch Format string. One of the possible Unix patch formats.
export.unixpatch_export.source Side string. Side which is the source for the export (left side of the patch)
export.unixpatch_export.target Side string. Side which is the target for the export (right side of the patch)
export.unixpatch_export.to.access_mode Document Access Mode string. One of the possible access modes.
export.unixpatch_export.to.location SourceDescription object. Tells where to write the result
export.unixpatch_import.from.access_mode Document Access Mode string. One of the possible access modes. 
export.unixpatch_import.from.location SourceDescription object. Tells from where to read the patch
export.unixpatch_import.fuzzyness Integer. Negative values de-activate the feature. Positive values let the patcher ignore that amount of lines of context
export.unixpatch_import.mark_patched_items Boolean. True when you want patched items (in folders) to be marked.
export.unixpatch_import.max_line_moves Integer. Negative values de-activate the feature. Positive values let the patcher search for patched lines around the theoric place, rather than failing if not exactly at that place.
export.unixpatch_import.partial_application_allowed Boolean. True when you want to let the patch be applied partially. False if you want the patch application to fail for a single file completely as long as one patch element could not be applied
export.unixpatch_import.patching_may_remove Boolean or undefined. True if removal is OK, False if removal is forbidden. Undefined if you prefer the user interface to ask.
export.unixpatch_import.path_steps_to_remove Integer. Number of path steps to remove from source paths.
export.unixpatch_import.preview Boolean. True if a temporary result plus a view on it should be created. False if application should happen directly
export.unixpatch_import.reject_aside String. "left" (source) or "right" (target). Indicates where to write rejections files.
export.unixpatch_import.reject_extension String. Extension appended after the rejection's side file name.
export.unixpatch_import.reject_remain_to_clipboard Boolean. True if you want the remaining rejected elements (after potentially saving parts to rejections files), to be saved in clipboard
export.unixpatch_import.reject_to_file Boolean. True if you want rejections files to be written.
export.unixpatch_import.reversed Boolean (any type of view) or undefined (for files only). True if right side of the patch should be considered the source. False for normal application. Undefined to use auto-detection
export.unixpatch_import.source Side string. Side from which to read source data
export.unixpatch_import.target Side string. Side to which write patched data
reports.css Boolean. True if a CSS should be referred to.
reports.css_path String. Path to a CSS file.
reports.generate_subdocuments_in_subfolder Boolean. True if sub-documents and art-work should be generated in a sub-folder based on report file name plus "_file". False if these files should be saved aside the report.
reports.legend Boolean. True if a legend explaining the colors, the symbols... should be output in report.


Properties specific to binary files

Property Description
typed.binaries.comparison.fields_to_ignore String. Coma separated list of roles of fields to ignore (e.g. "Timestamp,Comment")
typed.binaries.comparison.max_resync_distance Integer. Maximum distance to search a text from either side in the other from current analysis point (for example, to resynchronize abcdefgh with defgh, max_resync_distance must be at least 3 so as to jump over abc).
typed.binaries.comparison.minimal_match Integer. Match smaller than this amount are not reported. 
typed.binaries.comparison.resync_after_change Boolean. True if resynchronization should be attempted, else comparison is made byte per byte.
typed.binaries.display.offsets_base Integer. Use a value between 2 and 36. The user interface uses only 10 (decimal) or 16 (hexadecimal)
typed.binaries.display.show_offsets Boolean. True if offsets should be displayed
typed.binaries.display.show_right_column Boolean. True if the right column of the binary view should be displayed

Properties specific to folders

Property Description
typed.folders.comparison.background_comparison Boolean. True if sub-documents comparison can occur in background (while browsing)
typed.folders.comparison.compare_names_sensitively Boolean. True if case should be significant when comparing file name.
typed.folders.comparison.compensate_fs_precision_loss Boolean. True if a 2 seconds precision loss should simulated, letting imprecise dates match
typed.folders.comparison.date_diff Integer. Number of seconds between dates which should be considered equal as well than exact match
typed.folders.comparison.different_date_mean_different_files Boolean. True if different dates should exclude equality directly.
typed.folders.comparison.different_size_mean_different_files Boolean. True if different sizes should exclude equality directly. 
typed.folders.comparison.equal_date_and_size_mean_equal_files Boolean. True if equal dates and sizes should involve equality directly.
typed.folders.comparison.equal_date_mean_equal_files Boolean. True if equal dates is enough to involve equality.
typed.folders.comparison.equal_size_mean_equal_files Boolean. True if equal sizes is enough to involve equality.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.date_filter_exclude_files_before Boolean. True if excluded files are those with a date before cutoff, false if the files excluded are the files with a date after cutoff.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.date_filter_if_all_sources Boolean. True if the filter should be applied only when all the sources are filled.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.date_filter_use_calendar Boolean. True if the calendar should be used (i.e. the day_cutoff field is used rather than the days_number)
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.day_cutoff Date. Cut-off date.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.days_number Integer. Number of days before today to obtain cut-off date.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.display_conflicts Boolean. True if conflicts should be displayed.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.display_different Boolean. True if differences which are not conflict should be displayed. 
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.display_identical Boolean. True if items which are identical should be displayed.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_empty_identical_folders Boolean. True if empty folders which are present on all sides should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_identical_source_ancestor Boolean. True if items for which left and ancestor are identical should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_identical_source_target Boolean. True if items for which left and right are identical should be hidden. 
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_identical_target_ancestor Boolean. True if items for which right and ancestor are identical should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_missing_in_ancestor Boolean. True if items for which ancestor is missing should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_missing_in_result Boolean. True if items for which result is missing should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_missing_in_source Boolean. True if items for which left is missing should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_missing_in_target Boolean. True if items for which right is missing should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_present_in_ancestor Boolean. True if items for which ancestor is present should be hidden. 
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_present_in_result Boolean. True if items for which result is present should be hidden. 
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_present_in_source Boolean. True if items for which left is present should be hidden. 
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_present_in_target Boolean. True if items for which right is present should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.hide_system_hidden Boolean. True if items for which the system hidden flag (on Windows/DOS based file systems), should be hidden.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.names_filters.exclude_list String. List of patterns to exclude. See Writing patterns for filenames for the format.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.names_filters.include_list String. List of patterns to include. See Writing patterns for filenames for the format.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.show_hidden_items Boolean. True if items hidden because they match file name, status or date filters should be displayed.
typed.folders.comparison.filters_options.use_date_filter Boolean. True if the file date filter should be applied on compared items.
typed.folders.comparison.recursive Boolean. True if the folders should be viewed and treated recursively.
typed.folders.comparison.time_shifts.ancestor Integer. Offset to apply to ancestor items, in seconds. 
typed.folders.comparison.time_shifts.left Integer. Offset to apply to left items, in seconds. 
typed.folders.comparison.time_shifts.result Integer. Offset to apply to result items, in seconds.
typed.folders.comparison.time_shifts.right Integer. Offset to apply to right items, in seconds.
typed.folders.display.folders_grouping Item Grouping Type string.  One of the possible way of grouping items in a Folder Comparison.
typed.folders.display.high_order_role Side string. Side which has the main role in sort order.
typed.folders.display.indent_non_left_trees Boolean. True if ancestor and right hierarchies should be indented. 
typed.folders.display.multi_role_sort Boolean. True if all sides are used to compute the sort criterium, false if only 'high_order_role' is used.
typed.folders.display.show_date Boolean. True if the date column should be displayed. 
typed.folders.display.show_date_text Boolean. True if the date text should be displayed in the date column.
typed.folders.display.show_diffcount Boolean. True if the Changes Count column should be displayed.
typed.folders.display.show_marker Boolean. True if the marker column should be displayed.
typed.folders.display.show_mime Boolean. True if the MIME type column should be displayed.
typed.folders.display.show_oldestnewest Boolean. True if the oldest/newest icon should be displayed in the date column.
typed.folders.display.show_size Boolean. True if the size column should be displayed.
typed.folders.display.sort_ascending Boolean. True if the sort order should go from smaller values to larger values, or first letter to last 
typed.folders.display.sort_column Folder Column string. Name of the column to use for sorting.
typed.folders.reports.details Boolean. True if the details section should be written in the report. 
typed.folders.reports.generate_binary_files_reports Boolean. True if simple reports should be generated for binary files.
typed.folders.reports.generate_conflicts Boolean. True if file reports should be generated for conflicting items. 
typed.folders.reports.generate_different Boolean. True if file reports should be generated for different items.
typed.folders.reports.generate_identical Boolean. True if file reports should be generated for identical items 
typed.folders.reports.generate_orphans Boolean. True if file reports should be generated for items with orphans.
typed.folders.reports.summary Boolean. True if the comparison statistics should be written in the report. 


Properties specific to images

Property Description
typed.images.comparison.blanking_colour Colour to use when blanking similar images.
typed.images.comparison.chanel_per_chanel Boolean. True if the colours should be computed by mathematical difference between the colours components.
typed.images.comparison.compute_psnr Boolean. True if the PSNR and MSE metrics should be computed.
typed.images.comparison.diff_colour Colour to use to mark different pixels between compared images. 
typed.images.comparison.difference_threshold Integer. Pixels above the difference threshold are considered as different. 
typed.images.comparison.exact_colour Colour to use to mark identical pixels between compared images. 
typed.images.comparison.exactness_threshold Integer. Pixels below the exactness threshold are considered as identical. 
typed.images.comparison.intermediate_colour Colour to use to mark similar pixels between compared images. 
typed.images.comparison.respect_aspect_ratio Boolean. True if streching actions should respect aspect ratio.
typed.images.display.style Image Differentiation Style string. Indicates which algorithm/style of difference is wanted.
typed.images.reports.details Boolean. True if the details section should be written in the report. 
typed.images.reports.display_difference_image Display Image Difference string. One of the possible ways of displaying difference images in reports.
typed.images.reports.limit_inside.x Integer. Maximum width of the original images in the reports.
typed.images.reports.limit_inside.y Integer. Maximum height of the original images in the reports.
typed.images.reports.limit_miniatures_inside.x Integer. Maximum width of the thumbnail images in the reports.
typed.images.reports.limit_miniatures_inside.y Integer. Maximum height of the thumbnail images in the reports.
typed.images.reports.show_images_aside_diff Boolean. True if original images should be displayed around the differences in the reports.
typed.images.reports.show_miniatures Boolean. True if thumbnails should be displayed in the metadata section of the reports.
typed.images.reports.summary Boolean. True if the comparison statistics should be written in the report.
typed.images.use_for_reports Boolean. True if reports for Image Comparison documents should be generated as Image Comparisons reports, otherwise, they should be considered as Binary Comparisons.
typed.images.use_for_unattended_merge Boolean. True if Image Comparison should be used as comparison criterium for folder items being images. 


Properties specific to text documents 

Property Description
typed.texts.comparison.blank_lines_as_empty_lines Boolean. True to treat lines containing only blanks as if totally empty
typed.texts.comparison.char_level Boolean. True if in-line comparisons should be computed at character level.
typed.texts.comparison.equivalent_texts_source_side2 Integer. Source from which to take the text considered equivalent for 2-way merges (1=left, 2=right)
typed.texts.comparison.equivalent_texts_source_side3 Integer. Source from which to take the text considered equivalent for 3-way merges (0=ancestor, 1=left, 2=right)
typed.texts.comparison.ignore_ignorable_lines Boolean. True if the lines defined as ignorable in the various file types should indeed by ignored 


String. Text to use at that position when making inclusive merge for lines oriented differences
Integer. Bit mask indicating which markers to output. 1='before left', 2='before right', 8='after left', 16='after right' 
Integer. Bit mask indicating which markers to output. 1='before ancestor', 2='before left', 4='before right', 8='after ancestor', 16='after left', 32='after right'.
String. Text to use at that position when making inclusive merge for characters/word (in-line) oriented differences
typed.texts.comparison.join_if_nb_less Integer. When doing inline-comparisons, join differences which are separated by less than # non-blanks.
typed.texts.comparison.line_level Boolean. True if line comparison should be done first-hand, else lines differences are deduced from in-line differences
typed.texts.comparison.match_case Boolean. True to make case sensitive comparisons
typed.texts.comparison.match_line_endings Boolean. True to match line endings (else CR,CRLF,LF are considered equivalent)
typed.texts.comparison.match_whitespaces_at_end Boolean. True to take in consideration whitespaces just before the ends of lines
typed.texts.comparison.match_whitespaces_at_start Boolean. True to take in consideration whitespaces at the begin of lines
typed.texts.comparison.match_whitespaces_in_middle Boolean. True to take into account spaces in the middle of lines, else the count of characters in sequences of 1 or more spaces or TABs are is ignored.
typed.texts.comparison.security_space Integer. When changes are distant than less than this distance, high-light them.
typed.texts.comparison.word_level Boolean. True if in-line comparisons should be computed at word level. 
typed.texts.display.changed_text_decorations.decoration_kind Text Decoration string. Decoration to use for text changes
typed.texts.display.changed_text_decorations.do_colour_text Boolean. True if text should be coloured as well for changes
typed.texts.display.deleted_text_decorations.decoration_kind Text Decoration string. Decoration to use for text deletions
typed.texts.display.deleted_text_decorations.do_colour_text Boolean. True if text should be coloured as well for deletions
typed.texts.display.ignored_change_text_decorations.decoration_kind Text Decoration string. Decoration to use for text ignored changes
typed.texts.display.ignored_change_text_decorations.do_colour_text Boolean. True if text should be coloured as well for ignored changes
typed.texts.display.inserted_text_decorations.decoration_kind Text Decoration string. Decoration to use for text insertions
typed.texts.display.inserted_text_decorations.do_colour_text Boolean. True if text should be coloured as well for insertions
typed.texts.display.language String. Name of the language to use for syntax colouring. 
typed.texts.display.treat_changed_as_inserted_deleted Boolean. True if you want changes to be displayed as insertions plus deletions
typed.texts.reports.changed_block_max_length Integer. Maximum number of lines for a changed block (lines at the middle of the block are then skipped)
typed.texts.reports.conflict_of_interest Boolean. True if conflicting blocks are considered as being of interest when generating reports.
typed.texts.reports.context_outside_of_interest Integer. Number of lines which are output outside each block  of interest
typed.texts.reports.details Boolean. True if the details section should be written in the report. 
typed.texts.reports.difference_of_interest Boolean. True if blocks made of differences are considered as being of interest when generating reports. 
typed.texts.reports.identical_parts_as_single_column Boolean. True if identical parts should be formatted as single column.
typed.texts.reports.ignored_of_interest Boolean. True if blocks made of ignored changes are considered as being of interest when generating reports.
typed.texts.reports.inserted_block_max_length Integer. Maximum number of lines for an inserted block (lines at the middle of the block are then skipped)
typed.texts.reports.no_syntax_colouring Boolean. True if syntax colouring should be disabled.
typed.texts.reports.show_skipped_lines Boolean. True if skipped lines counts should be output in the reports
typed.texts.reports.summary Boolean. True if the comparison statistics should be written in the report. 
typed.texts.reports.unchanged_block_max_length Integer. Maximum number of lines for an unchanged block (lines at the middle of the block are then skipped)
typed.texts.reports.unchanged_of_interest Boolean. True if unchanged blocks are considered as being of interest when generating reports.




 none specifc.


Example 1.


See Also 

  ConfigurationObject object