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Reports Options



This page contains options used in report generation for both files and folders comparisons.


Ellié Computing Merge can generate HTML reports using coloured or monochrome (ink-optimized) CSS. You can also specify a custom CSS to use. Use the browse button at the right of the field to select a CSS file.

Display legend in HTML reports

Uncheck this option to remove the legend paragraph at the bottom of the HTML reports. The legend paragraph shows examples of each type of item (unchanged, changed, inserted, removed, ignored, conflict).

Generate sub documents in a sub folder

 For the moment, this option is only applied on Folders Comparison reports. If it is checked, all icons (file or folder item icon, older/newer arrows) used in a Folders Comparison report will be created in a sub folder (which name will be based on the Folders Comparison report file name), else they are created aside.

See also