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BinaryDocument.Content object



Prototype for BinaryDocument.Content objects


You cannot create these objects, you can only get access to them inside an BinaryDocument.

var doc = current_frame.coordinator.document; // with an activate binary view
var left_content = doc.content.left;



Property Of


Implemented In

ECMerge 2.4


BinaryDocument.Content let you access the content of a particular pane.


Property Description
length Integer. length in bytes of this content




Note that unlike TextDocument.Content, the toString() function is not provided. Binary files of arbitrary size can be handled of ECMerge and toString() needs to return a string fitting in memory.


Example 1.

Obtaining the length of a content.

var doc = current_frame.coordinator.document; // with an active binary frame
var left_content = doc.content.left;
var sel = new BinaryDocument.Selection (left_content);
alert ("There are "+ sel.end + " bytes in the left content");

See Also 

BinaryDocument object.


Method get_text


function get_text (selection)
returns a String.


selection. BinaryDocument.Selection object. Selection from which the text is requested

Method Of

BinaryDocument.Content object.

Implemented In

ECMerge 2.4


Returns the text covered by the selection.


Example 1.

Retrieves the 100 th first bytes of the right side and logs them:

var doc = current_frame.coordinator.document; // with an active binary frame
log (doc.content.left.get_text (LinearRange (0, 100));

See Also 

  BinaryDocument.Content object, BinaryDocument.Selection object


Method read_number


function read_number (offset, size, endianess, type)
returns a Number.


offset. Number. Position in the file (in bytes)
size. Number. Size in bytes of the binary representation of the number to decode.
endianess. String. Two values are accepted: 'big' and 'little'.
type. String. Three values are accepted: 'int', 'uint', 'ieeefloat'.

Method Of

BinaryDocument.Content object.

Implemented In

ECMerge 2.4


Returns the numeric value of the number stored in given binary format. ECMerge can decode the following combinations. All of them are available in little and big endian.

Type string Size (in bytes)
ieeefloat 2, 4, 8
uint Any between 1 and 8
int Any between 1 and 8

This method main usage is to read files headers to determine offsets and sizes of ignorable dynamic fields.


Example 1.

Retrieves an unsigned int coded in 4 bytes at offset 10 in little endian format then logs it to screen:

var doc = current_frame.coordinator.document; // with an active binary frame
log (doc.content.left.read_number (10, 4, 'little', 'uint'));

See Also 

  BinaryDocument.Content object, BinaryDocument.Selection object