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FolderDocument.MergeRulesSet object



Prototype for FolderDocument.MergeRulesSet objects


To create an empty FolderDocument.MergeRulesSet, call this:

var mrs = new FolderDocument.MergeRulesSet ();

To create a FolderDocument.MergeRulesSet which solves all situations with the same action:

var mrs = new FolderDocument.MergeRulesSet (action_string);


action_string. Item Resolution Action string. Describes which action to do for a set of items.

Property Of


Implemented In

ECMerge 2.1


FolderDocument.MergeRulesSet objects let you define which solution to give for each particular merge case. It is used in combination with the FolderDocument.resolve function.


Each property of this class define a 'comparison case', these are Item Resolution Class strings.
Each property contains a Item Resolution Action string which tells which action should be executed when in item of this class is encountered




Example 1.

Builds an action which tells to keep the most recent file in any case:

var mrs = new FolderDocument.MergeRulesSet ("most-recent");

See Also 

 Item Resolution Class string, Item Resolution Action string, FolderDocument.resolve method