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You can find here the list of all menu commands you can access from within Ellié Computing Merge main menu bar or contextual menus. Regarding the document opened and active when you open a menu, or the current selection, all the items may not be accessible.

The Document menu contains items to interact with the whole document, while the Side menu only affects the currently selected side of the comparison (this menu is also available near each source location by clicking on the  button).

The Edit and Go To menus both contain basic edition and navigation features. The View and Actions menus present document type-specific items to quickly customize the comparison display and run first merge actions.

The Tabs menu helps you in managing multiple documents (navigation, activation, closing) and the Customize menu will present common preferences and user-defined elements such as scripting macros, often used Sites and toolbar display.

The Help menu mostly contains shortcuts to this User Manual and troubleshooting assistance.