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manage a comparison/merge view?



The three mains steps are:

  • Filling the panels:
    You can use the combos at the top of each panel to specify the item that you want to view here. Note that use can use the "Reopen with encoding" menu by cliking the arrow of the Browse button   or the Side top level menu to specify which encoding to use to interpret files (for all of them, or only those which have no Unicode markers).
    Additionaly, empty panels can be filled from the clipboard with Fill from clipboard. Allowing you to compare quickly two portions of any text or image files.


  • Choose your operating mode:
    To swap from compare to merge mode, use the following button: . To come back to comparison mode, press the button again.
    To show or hide the ancestor: use the following button: .
    To swap between horizontal mode and vertical mode: use the following button .
     In 3-way merge mode, hiding the ancestor will still take it into account, it will just let you more place to see the individual left and right items.

To swap from a 3-way comparison or merge mode to a 2-way comparison or merge mode use .
Use the Document /   View and Comparison Options... menu to specify additional comparison parameters.


  • Choose where and how to write results (in merge mode):
    Each combo at the top of the views panels let you specify if you want to write the result of your merge here. You can you the Set text output options... to specify how to write text files. It is a powerful tool to convert files encodings. Additionally, the bottom panel let you specify an additional location where to write the result. It allows you to safely apply your operations without touching the sources.